KR Saws featuring in The Metal Magazine
25th March 2022

We have recently been featured in The Metal Magazine.This is a new online magazine introduced by The Comton Group for the metal industry.Moving away from the traditional magazines the metal industry is used to.Applications engineer Andy Cullinan, discusses the growing market of TCT metal cutting circular saw blades and how this technology is changing the way which the metal market is thinking and sawing. For stock holders cutting steel and stainless steel, a Kinkelder metal solutions BV circular saw blade combined with the correct machinery can massively reduce electrical costs, over time, staffing levels, lead times etc. Companies are now seeing overall costs going one way and that's up!Now more than ever it's important that businesses are not wasting money and looking at ways to save money.Additional benefits, is that circular sawing can significantly more environmentally friendly.One circular saw machine has the potential capabilities of thirteen band saw machines.To see the full article follow this link - Circular saw or band saw? - The Metal Magazine